02 03 The Next Step: Half a Merry Christmas 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Half a Merry Christmas

The pre-lit tree got put up, but the lights on top didn't work.  I finagled but ended up stringing lights over the dark branches.  A week later the bottom lights went out.

I didn't have the energy to decorate...I knew I'd have to pack it all up and most days I didn't have the gumption to accessorize my own 'branches'.

Most days I relaxed and slept organically which made me miss out on a much anticipated afternoon of sister time.

I relished the sights, and sounds but mourned that I couldn't smell the deep spiciness of the season and the creamy taste of AE Eggnog.

Christmas cards were purchased prior to the day of merriment, but weren't sent out until after I'd rung in the New Year.

In spite of several super symptomatic days, Christmas with family wasn't symptomatic and I mostly felt like me

At only half a Christmas...my break was twice as delightful as last year when I incurred a floggin' to my noggin'.

Favorite Christmas Album of 2013 = Linclon Brewster--Joy to the World

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