02 03 The Next Step: The Ususal 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

The Ususal

     For the past three days I've awakened nauseous and feeling like I was hit by a truck -- which really isn't that unusual for me.  After so many years of waking up feeling like this, I don't remember very quickly that an Octreotide injection will help, and a double dose is what is needed (Dr. S said that doubling up is okay).  I think it's kind of like pain medication in that if you don't stay ahead of it -- it only gets worse.
     I also took several two hour naps -- Carcinoid or Anemia?  Who knows.  Right now my hands and feet are so swollen they almost hurt, but I'm not due for another injection until 10 or 11.
     The next four days I'll be taking classes in Des Moines (leaving at 7am) and am a little concerned about how my energy levels will be.  I've found that if I have a day with lots of sleeping/relaxing, I can usually have a couple of good full work days.

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